The Comprehensive Guide To Selecting The Ultimate Tap Dance Flooring


Tap dance flooring is an essential element in the world of tap dancing. The correct choice directly influences the dancer’s performance and can shape the career of a professional dancer in more ways than one might imagine.

A Historical Overview Of Tap Dance Flooring

Tap dance, a dance form that was born in America, has rich roots in African and Irish dances. The art of tap dance gradually moved from the streets to the stages of Broadway, and thus, the need for proper tap dance flooring came into existence.

Quality Of Tap Dance Floors – A Crucial Aspect

The quality of the tap dance floor matters significantly. A good quality tap dance floor ensures maximum comfort, safety and enhanced performance for the dancers. Meanwhile, a poor-quality flooring may result in dancers suffering from injuries like shin splints, tendinitis, and stress fractures.

Materials Used In Tap Dance Flooring

A variety of materials are used for tap dance flooring, including hardwood, vinyl, and maple. Among these, maple is generally considered the best due to its durability, feel, and sound quality. It’s important to note that proper installation and maintenance of the floor are equally critical.

Hardwood Flooring

Hardwood flooring is the traditional choice for tap dance. Known for resonance and exceptional sound quality, it is a favorite among professional dancers. Oak and maple are the popular choices in this category.

Vinyl Flooring

Vinyl or marley flooring is the modern alternative to hardwood. It provides excellent traction and is also portable, making it a versatile choice for touring dancers or short-term installations.

The Acoustics Of Tap Dance Floor

The acoustics of a tap dance floor play a crucial role in the performance. The taps of a dancer’s shoes should reverberate clearly, contributing to the rhythm. Hence, the choice of flooring can impact the overall performance.

Portability Of Tap Dance Floors

Tap dance floors come in both permanent and portable types. Portable floors are an excellent option for touring dancers and dance studios.

Maintenance Of Tap Dance Floors

The maintenance of tap dance floors often includes regular sweeping, avoiding the usage of harsh chemicals, and ensuring that the floor is not left damp for prolonged periods.

Creating A Personal Tap Floor

Not all dancers have access to professional studios. Hence, the trend of creating a personal tap floor has emerged. Dancers have come up with innovative methods utilizing plywood and high-density foam, arranging them in layers to create a makeshift tap floor.

Budgeting For Tap Dance Floors

The cost of tap dance flooring can be a significant factor. The budget must be considered while making a choice without compromising on the quality.


Choosing the correct tap dance flooring is vital and requires careful consideration of several aspects. A well-chosen floor can enhance a dancer’s performance and contribute to a safe and successful tap-dancing journey.

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